PATROL 5.6 VVEL ستعمل بالطاقه الشمسيه و هي مصنوعه من الزجاج و من خلال ذلك ستحول الطاقه
الشوارع و البيوت و الشركات القريبه.
The road of the future may be covered with
solar-powered glass
Is a
solar-powered glass
road in our driving future? Scott Brusaw, an engineer from Idaho,
believes so. With aid and interest from the federal government and
General Electric,
Brusaw has been refining his concept of the road of the future.
Super-strong glass and solar cells embedded below the top layers could
serve as both a nexus of travel and energy.
As the sun energizes the solar cells, energy can be transferred to power
street signs, nearby homes and roadside businesses. In snowy climates,
the collected energy could heat the roadway and melt snow and ice,
eliminating the need for large fleets of plows